this sucks.
your a ripoff piece of shit. this isn't even the same fucking idea you lil shit.
all in all, amazing flash.
this sucks.
your a ripoff piece of shit. this isn't even the same fucking idea you lil shit.
all in all, amazing flash.
good for left handed mate, but that doesn't excuse the sounds. =P
Swain You suck
you made me wait faR TOO LONG FOR THIS. oops, caps lock. But yeah, nice flash and all, funny, blah blah all that jazz. I be sad hat there were no hearts. i even has hearts in my room. So great job, keep it up.
PS bring back the forums.
pretty good.
this would have been a 10/10
however. the sound effects overpowered the song. toss them in whatever, but lower the volume so you can still hear the song playing through.
nice work stabby
you did good. but I have to say, star wars redesign much?
Not really man, ships were pretty original I thought, may be a few similarities, but lets not nitpick eh? Was hoping you would respond here and show some interest, since, if you were willing, I could get you to help out a bit on the audio side of things, your shit rocks, offer is there. :D
Dear god sir.
you are killing me. This made my day. Loved it.
Aye aye cap'n :D
your animation style might not be adam phelp's but god damn, that fit the song perfectly. beautiful job
that music
was pretty sweet.
I will admit, when I first hit play I was gong to post a flaming response. That was beautiful. the sticks did piss me off to o end, but the bullet...Damn son. keep up the amazing.
When I saw the screenshots, I figured that it would be a bit hard to watch. You put up a good one though. I liked it a lot, keep up the good work. The only problems I have are the looping mouth and the voices. I love their variety, but the mic static grinds my gears. you can get a decent upgrade for around 5 dollars. otherwise, can't wait fir the next ep!
Thank you Ya the mouths will be better next ep. thanks :)
I love art and music. The rest is history.
Graphic Designer
New England Institute of Art
Joined on 10/15/07